Gone are the days of using the busted leftover corners of your toxic, oily, and bad tasting makeup wipe to ferociously scrub that lipstick off.
Finally, a lip swipe! Lip Lūffa is a pro tool that provides a convenient and sanitary way to clean lips. Whether you're changing lip colors on set, going from a day to night look, or getting ready for bed, Lip Lūffa will swipe it off. Our non-greasy formula thoroughly cleans and gently exfoliates your lips with the touch of a finger. Plus, it is made with natural peppermint oil. Oh yes, a yummy remover for your lips.
Lip Lūffa was created out of necessity. With over 14 years experience as a professional makeup artist, Stephanie Lawrence often found herself in need of a quick, sanitary and efficient solution to remove stubborn lip products. Inspiration suddenly struck on set of a huge commercial when Stephie was asked to completely change a lip shade from deep wine to the model's natural tone. Not an easy feat! Heart racing and problem solving hat on, she used all available resources and just barely managed to make this adjustment happen in a timely fashion, with everyone overlooking on set. It was in this moment of intense pressure, Stephie recognized there was a need. Why wasn't there a lippy erasing swipe?!? She spent the next 4 years researching, crafting, developing and finally manufacturing, LL. It is our mission at LL to create products that assist badass artists in their moments of intense pressure.